[GRAND RELEASE] ToggleMod COMBO Live v1.0 - Unlimited Health/Invincible, Magic Boxing Gloves, Glowing Gloves - BombSquad v1.4.118

Hello guys,

Today 23-06-2017, after a lot of coding, modding, etc... I am proudly announcing the Toggle Mod series for the most loved and VR enabled game, none other than BombSquad.

This version of Toggle Mod LIVE COMBO 1.0 would support the game version BombSquad 1.4.118. From the word COMBO, you could have guessed it, yes, it supports both rooted and non rooted devices.

Let's dive into the features.

Promises are meant to be kept, so did I :)

How to use this? Gameplay Video


  • Invincible / Unlimited Health - Nothing could harm you after you enable this. It also acts as Unlimited Health.
  • Magic Boxing Gloves - You'll get a boxing glove, which increases damage for each punch, could be used to easily defeat your opponents.
  • Magic Glowing Gloves - Your gloves will glow if you have one on your hand.
    You may use the "Magic Boxing Gloves" feature to get one.
Above features are tested to working with single player mode, or in tournaments. Unfortunately it won't work online custom servers, as the game logic is done through the server. But yeah, I am working on to make one for online game play, expect it to come around soon.
Think this version has some limited features? Feel free to suggest by dropping a mail to hello@revealedtricks4u.com


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It may contain some crucial information about the application you're about to download, so please make sure to read the entire article before starting to download.

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Thank you all for being in such a good sport. Keep requesting things, am always happy to fulfill your request whilst being free of cost. If you think, I deserve a kudos for my work, then feel free to donate here.

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About ShihabSoft

I am Shihab, people used to call me a Security researcher or sometimes a Reverse engineer or sometimes a creepy hacker ;). Got a brain full of knowledge in different programming languages, and not more nor less I am a blogger too :).
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  1. Hey bro I'm having problem...
    It's saying "Unfortunately BombSquad has been stopped"
    Please help me bro

  2. It's saying unfortunately , "Toggle mod COMBO for BS" has been stopped. Major buggy as a first release. Solve it soon man. Waiting for next version without bugs... just solve this unfortunately error. Not yet tested. without opening.. i hope u got it..

  3. New version for Mini Militia v3.0.147.Please Update a ToggleMOD.

  4. java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object java.util.ArrayList.get(int)' on a null object reference
    at com.revealedtricks4u.togglemod.combo.bs.RT4UActivity$26$7.run(RT4UActivity.java:1544)
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)
    at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5441)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:738)
    at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:628)
    at de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge.main(XposedBridge.java:163)

  5. Game crashes after 0sec in quick play and custom both fix it!!!

  6. No root version is not working bro

  7. No root version is not working bro

  8. No root version is not working bro

  9. Bro not working neither root or rooted for me

  10. Hi shihab I camt find the download for bombsquad even If I shared it on fb pls assist me

  11. Waiting for v1.4.120..and thanks a lot 😍✌️👍

  12. Waiting for v1.4.120😍✌️👍

  13. Please do not upload it to MediaFire ....while pressing download button it redirects to the same download page again...upload to google drive or zippy share instead ....thanks for the mod ...✌️👍

  14. thanks for toggle mod v36. so cool looks like I am a God of the game love it new update ultra sonic boost

  15. Enemy also not dying with me Enemy als became as unlimited health to enemy please fix it how to fix this please comment to me

  16. Please show me download link
    Long a go this site is for download easy why chang sir
    We diffcult download
    Please easy download linK pcloud. Or other link please sir every post i can't download please

  17. New version of bombsquad 1.4.128 update please

  18. After i patched it ..bombsquad application says unfornately stops..pls. help me

  19. Update please.
    v1.4.133 is the latest atm

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  21. New version of bombsquad 1.4.128 update please

  22. bro i had this pretty long but unfortunately the creater of bombsquad has made a new update so u cant have rooted device to show the tournaments.......... try it out ....... and now u can only play tournaments in the latest version .......plz try and hack it......... i have triend all ways send u text messages


Don't be shy. Just leave your comments, am so happy to assist you. And, don't forgot that I am such a nice person who you are dealing with :)